Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Iss fleetingg

we have

lossst our faith

in thisss thing

yet now
we arre

but forr how long
will the flowersss bloom?

in this darrk dungeon
itss not a ssunlit room

forr how longg
will my angell sstay

beforre my gloom
drrivess her away?


Jerry said...

Hmm... How many *THING*s does it take to fix a light bulb?

TheWhacksteR said...

'Lighten up' will you!

ok. dumb comment.

Anonymous said...

LOL at whack's dumb comment!

Icarus said...

only one way to get happy my friend! enter the veggie patch!

Just Me said...

Awwww... You poor Thing.

Here's a hug to make you feel better?

You will feel better yes?


tash said...


hopes it makes you feel better!