Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nature of mann

he iss dessolate

he iss passionate

of all the wrrong thingss.

the fate he bringss

is a ride in the black

not knowing what iss left

nor what iss right.

He sometimess just criess

in desspair.

but iss alwayss arrogant.

the fool!

we wass him

now humanity hass slipped

the greasse



Jerry said...

Ya see, I'm not that big on poetry. Usually I just hang around for the comments to realize what the hell the poem is about.

But I hang around, nevertheless.

Unknown said...

there's a certain ssssomething about u Thing :D

Anonymous said...

interestingg :)

Sabby said...

I be scared of you...but your poetry draws me!